January resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier or get fitter are normally broken by February and then after Easter people want to try them again after eating too much chocolate over the festive holiday.

Well this year instead of just saying, try doing. Staying dedicated can be a tough job so some people may try group fitness or invest in a Personal Trainer in order to stay on track. Knowing where to start or having that commitment to start is half the battle.

It’s the same with your finances, why not invest in a Personal Trainer for your money and start your debt detox or cash flow diet today. This is your time to get yourself and your money fighting fit. 

A good Fitness Trainer will push you just out of your comfort zone but keep you motivated and modifying where necessary. With Prudent Cashflow Mentors we are here to provide a goals orientated budget with flexibility to ensure you can maintain a decent lifestyle, save and most importantly pay the bills with every pay cheque.

It’s important to maintain the good habits and recognise the weak points so they can be improved on. However with any goals based budget it’s important that the goals are realistic and align with your lifestyle.

With your own Mentor prioritising spending, staying focused on the goal and tracking you progress throughout they will empower you to reach your goals. Fitness Trainers can help reduce the possibility of injury by safeguarding you are doing things correctly and tailoring your workout to individual needs. Personal Trainers for your money are here to help identify areas of potential overspend before it is too late, allowing modifications within the budget to help reach financial aspirations.

But, the key difference between a Personal Trainer for your fitness and a Personal Trainer for your money is we are not here to tell you what you can and cannot do with your money. If you can fund habits such as going to the pub on a Friday night or spending money on shoes and handbags, as long as you have enough for savings and living expenses we want you to enjoy those luxuries.

So with this flexibility, budgeting doesn't have to mean sacrificing and  you’ll notice stress levels falling when you realise that you can sustain a decent lifestyle whilst still being able to afford living costs.

The secret to budgeting is, track your spending, spend less than you earn, and modify where necessary.
